Carrots and Sticks

Over my lifetime I have found that I often need a “carrot on a stick” to make me learn something new. When computers were first on my horizon in the early 90’s, my brother sent me his old DOS-based computer – complete with the blue screen and the flashing prompt! I needed a reason to learn how to use a computer so I offered to create a newsletter for my children’s PTA. I found MS Publisher and I started learning how to use a computer. I didn’t really want to learn the back end of it, just how I could use a computer to make things look nice.

20 years later, here I sit, with another carrot in front of me. I wanted a website that I could edit myself. I wanted it to look nice but I didn’t really want to get under the hood. So, I hired Joanna Waterfall, a graphic designer from California , who then hired Sarah Potter, a web designer from Washington. I didn’t think it all the way through (I usually don’t) but Joanna knows what she’s doing and asked me a bunch of questions (five pages worth!) and several months later, I’m where I said I wanted to be. I have a website I can edit myself. There’s so much I don’t know, I feel like I’m learning a new language with all the terms being presented to me behind the scenes. Attributes, taxonomies, affiliate products, linked products, up-sells, huh?

I’m making myself learn it all. I’m not quite where I want to be in terms of my comfort level but I can handle it, right?
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Sandy No 2 6 x 4
Sandy No. 2, ©Libby Hintz 2012
6″ x 4″ on Wediboard, turquoise chips and multi-colored seed beads

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